
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I have a mole that is actually blue, should I go to a doctor?

I had this mole since I was a baby. It never really hurts. I'm not sure it is a mole.
never really hurts? does that mean it kind of hurts sometimes? if so, check out WebMD, moles that are white, blue or red , raised or have irregular edges or that change size or color should be checked out. I know this because my dad and sister have skin cancers.. and they check for these signs . You could just have a birthmark but check it anyway. Skin cancer can metastasize ( send tiny cancer cells to other parts of the body to breed into cancers that aren't as treatable.)
go to the dermatologist they will definitely know what it is
I am jealous cuz I want a blue mole..
whether its a mole or not, it's not normal. a dermatologist would be able to help you.
It may have turned need to see your Dr about testing of it..any changes in a mole; color, shape, pain; etc etc...need to be checked out.
Ya, u really should and specially if it changing colour.
first go to the eye doctor.tell i'm that you see blue mole... he will send you to the psychic...
Blue naevus This deep-seated mole appears blue. It is very common in some West Indian infants but is only rarely of any significance.
but you should probably go to a doctor any ways because of malignant melanoma:a type of skin cancer that begins in the skin's 'pigmentation system', IE the skin layer that becomes tanned in the summer. Melanomas usually start in moles or in areas of normal-looking skin. In rare cases the tumor may begin in the eyes, the respiratory passage, the intestine, or the brain. Malignant melanoma is a very dangerous type of cancer, and the patent's chances of survival often depend on early discovery and treatment.
Better safe that sorry
YES!!! moles shouldnt be blue! go and make sure you are okay!!

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