
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have a fecal odor that follows me around even after I shower and clean myself up all nice.?

Everyday is the same thing. I wake up and can't really smell the smell but I know it's there. If anything it smells like a bad fart. I know I smell because ocassionally my friends will ask me if I farted and I would say no. It is hard to have a social life now because no body really wants to hang out with a smelly kid when they have other friends to hang out with. I always feel like the odd man out and get very depressed now and then. For some reason my family can't smell it even though I tell them that I smell but I sense that it may be a cover up so they won't have to deal with me. Please can someone think why I smell like fecies and how I can get rid of this smell. I have already been to some doctors but they didnt really help. This has been going on for 7 months already, please help me.
I'm not a vegetarian, so bear with me for a minute, okay?
It could quite possibly be your diet, or something that you're eating. If you "smell" on the outside, just think what you must smell like on the inside.
Try changing your diet and see if that helps. Cut back on meat, and up the veggies, avoid processed foods and drink lots of water.I found this :
"Red meat is the number one cause of body odor. Red meat causes stagnation in the body; it putrefies in the digestive tract and releases all sorts of toxins into the bloodstream through the large intestine. I've noticed that people who consume a large quantity of red meat on a regular basis tend to have much stronger body odor than those who avoid it. Some people tell me just the opposite -- they say it's vegetarians who stink because they run around wearing no deodorant whatsoever. But my experience is that if a vegetarian stinks, they aren't following a healthy diet even though they are avoiding meat. (You can be vegetarian and extremely unhealthy if you consume a lot of processed foods.) Overall, though, if you find a healthful vegetarian and put them side by side with a heavy meat eater in a sniff test, I'm confident your nose will lead you to the conclusion that the meat eater is the most offensive of the two. It's weird science, yes, but we are talking about a strange subject to begin with. As far as other foods that cause body odor, manufactured foods -- those lacking fiber and made with refined white flour, added sugars, hydrogenated oils and other processed ingredients -- are the big culprits. When you eliminate these from your diet and shift to a 100% healthful diet made of whole grains, massive quantities of leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, soy products, supergreens, lots of sprouts, raw nuts and seeds, healthy oils and other similar healthful ingredients, your body odor will all but disappear in a matter of weeks. That's because a plant-based diet is an internal deodorizer. It's true: the chlorophyll and other phytonutrients will cleanse you from the inside out. Some of the best foods for that include parsley, cilantro, celery and all mint species. The aromatic herbs are also excellent: sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and so on. " might also try showering with something like Phisohex or Phisoderm to cut down on the odor causing bacteria. Or ask a pharmacist about any over-the-counter surgical type skin cleanser. hope this helps...
it might be from a pet of you have one. Try getting extra strong deodorant and some lotion or body spray
Could it be that your friends are just being d*ckholes and making it all up?
Are you gassy? Maybe your farting without realizing it.
If you really do stink, don't add perfumes, that will only make it worse. Try changing your diet. See a nutritionist if you have to. 99% of the time, a stinky body comes from what they are putting into it, which would explain why your family can't smell it.
I can only guess that it's the food that you eat? But maybe not.? I know I tend to stink a bit, and the smell lingers, if I go mad with garlic and onion.
You need to go to the doctor. My grandpa had the same symptoms and he had somethin going on inside his colon that what causing the odor--get it checked out by a doctor
Maybe you have a bad/infected tooth. I have seen that smell like feces. It would also follow you, and be stronger for you to smell than others.
Do you have any rashes or skin eruptions that could be a fungus that is causing this? Are you overweight? Sometimes a yeast infection grows in the fat rolls that has a terrible odor.Have you been on a high protein diet to loose weight? They cause the smell you describe as the ketones break down.There is a genetic condition that causes a foul smell to be released from the skin. It is called trimethylaminuria (sp?). People say it smells like rotten fish.Have you had your teeth and gums checked? Gum disease has an odor.Finally, are you absolutely sure you are smelling this odor and so is everyone else. Sometimes brain chemical abnormalities can make people imagine things like this. It is a symptom of OCD.
I would insist from my dr.s testing. Perhaps too, you may have food allergies. Check out colonic therapy. I also wipe with baby powder diaper wipes. I also put 6 drops of peppermint oil in a glass of water and when I pass gas it smells like peppermint.
if youre overweight i know sometimes sweat and bacteria can get trapped in rolls. not to be gross or anything but it does smell a bit. you could have the smell not coming from your booty but maybe you have bad breath or just imagining it. if none of these start thinking about youre everyday life.***** if you have a habit of leaving clothes in wash mach. too long they get really musty smelling and even if theyre dry they will stink while you wear them. sounds crazy but this happened to me once and i was like what the heck? then i figured it out.

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