
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have a strange little bump on my ear..?

Its like I have a rock built into my ear lobe, and it makes my whole side of my head hurt. Its small, but it has gotten bigger the past couple days..
Is it some kind of tumor and can it be cancerous or anything life-threatening?And how can I remove it?
Have you had your ears pierced in the area of this bump. It is normal when you get your ears pierced that a "little bump" forms in the cartilage. If the lump is caused by piercing your ears, you can massage your lobe to increase blood flow and that will help the small lump to dissipate.If not, you should go see your medical doctor. It is not normal for a lump anywhere to start growing for no reason. I really doubt that it would be cancer but you still should have it looked at and the doctor can remove it with little pain involved.
go see your doctor or dermatologist
most times it's just a cyst (can't spell) it normally will come and go with how well you feel these are very common in women all over your body...if it become really painful or forms a sort of head (like a pimple would) then I would suggest a warm compress to make it feel better if it doesn't feel better in a day and you are still worried or it becomes red and inflammed lookign then yeah I'd go see a dermatologist about the very least they can probably drain it for you so that it wouldn't be as painful..
Is your ear pierced? This happens to pierced ears sometimes. It's just a sack of puss that will eventually move to the piercing hole and come out. You can (slightly!) heat up a needle and stick it in your piercing and that will draw the puss out...or just use a warm compress (slower to work, but still effective) Unless your ears aren't pierced...then I've totally just wasted your time :)

I have a strange bump on my lower back?

just noticed it yesterday. its red. its hard as a rock and its about the size of a dime. . when i push the skin around it together, i see what looks like really big pores. alot of them.. i know this istn a bug bite. it also hurt when i push onit.. hellpppp
It may be a cyst. I would see a doctor it could be serious. Good luck.
You should get to a dr quickly.
Is It a Mosquito Bite They Always Leave Big Red Spots

I have a stomach bug.How can I cure it?

Vomit count today- 6 times.
please help
Answer: your doc and get this med called a suppository. its a type of med that goes up you butt and you sleep for a while then you wake up and you fell better.
2 stay hydraded drink plenty of water
well, u need to do the following steps
1. get plenty of fluids,
2. if vomiting persists, u need to go to a doctor,
3. u have to sample the vomit to know the causative organism, and take the most suitable antibiotic for example.
4. Blood tests would be advisable.
Go to the doc, you could be in danger of becoming dehydrated. Get plenty of fluids, drink clear things such as club soda, ginger ale, chicken broth. You can't cure a stomach bug, it has to go away on it's own.
First, to calm your stomach, you should drink a small glass of ginger ale. Keep yourself Hydrated and go lay down. Don't worry about eating anything. Maybe it may just need to get out of your system and vomiting is the only way.
Time my friend.

I have a spot on my head, and i'm wondering if I should go to the Dr.?

Okay, i know what your thinking, it's a no brainer, with the amount of different kinds of cancer out there of course I should go to the doctor.But here is the thing. I think it's a wart.. It has the characteristics of a wart. I have tried freezing it at home with minimal results.. Some advice please.
my brother had a mole on the top of his head that had to be removed because it was precancerous. get it checked out just in case. better safe than sorry.

I have a spot on my chest?

It is not a mole, it is big and kind of purple.can you tell me what it is?
It's a cyst ... and it's actually a 'blood cyst' and shouldn't hurt ... but if you don't like it and it does 'hurt' sometimes, then you should see a good DERMATOLOGIST to take it out (not 'off') for you ...
a quart of blood! damn, what was it? a blood vien? Any way, go 2 a doctor!
maybe is a blood clog ... you should go and check it out could be dangerous
I went to the doctor about some other things and he saw it and said, well you have a ... i don't remember what, but he overlooked it as if it were normal
i think it started with a c

I have a speech problem, i just cant make the s,sh,th, all the shh sound. can any1 help me?

i have a really bad problem with speaking, i literally mean speaking, i have problems with making the sh, s, th, ch, sounds, i just cant get it right. can any1 help me so that i can get better with my speaking problems.
I would also recommend some speech therapy. Those are generally fairly easy sounds for a therapist to teach, so they should be able to help you.
A speech therapist should be able to help you. :)

I have a sort of rash that started around my belly button then went up my abdomen. Its dark brown. What is it?

It kinda looks like dry skin but i put lotion on it and it didnt go away. Its spread and its dark brown and not like one big strip it has like parts were its speckles and shows my real skin color though it.
IF you have a really deep belly button it is probably a yeast infection. See your doc use the cream and you should be fine. And make sure that after bathing you really dry your belly button out to prevent it from happening again.
visit your doctor or urgent care.
Go to the doctor right away. It might be something very minor, but a very serious illness, meningitis I think, begins with a rash on your stomach.

I have a sore throat?

I have sore throat now i'm producing constatiot slivia i'm constatnly spitting it out. I already vomitted is there a way to stop all the slivia?
Please see a doctor! A sore throat in conjunction with excessive saliva is often a sign of tonsillitis and, in some people, strep throat. IF you have either, you will need a prescription for an antibiotic. As to the excess saliva, products to help are available only by prescription. Please see your doctor!

I have a sore throat,runny nose,sneezing,and ear poping i have it for days , what do i have?

what is it?
alergies take some allegra.
the flu..
probably allergies, go see a doctor.
it could be allergies or u just coming down with a cold. Tke Rubitussin CF I usually take that and it helps. Hope u feel better.
same thing I have. My son has. My daughter has. My mother in law has. Hey..... Did you give us this virus?
well probably allergies or the cold
u are sick get come dayquil and nytquil
BIRD FLU!!!!!!!!
hayfever i get them all the time. it occurs in between may and august. iv had it all my life.

I have a sore throat, but it's not just sore, there's other stuff too! If anyone is good at this please answer

There's little lumps on the back of my throat, kinda yellowy-white-ish and it feels like there's something stuck in my throat right at the top... Does anyone know what that is? Please help!
From your brief description, it looks as if you have AETP. don't be scared, it is short for acute exhudative tonsilo-pharyngitis. it is a form of acute tonsilitis, but some pus has developed, thus the yellow-whitish (exhudates) things that you see. the tonsils are lymph nodes, they serve to fight infection around the head/neck area.we have lymph nodes all around our bodies, some in the groin and the armpits. AETP is most commonly caused by bacteria called strptococcus, hence the term strep-throat. this condition is very uncomfortable, and in severe cases, the patient has a hard time swallowing soft food or even liquids. as some of our friends have stated, it is best for you to see a doctor, you may need a pain reliever and some antibiotics to hasten your recovery and prevent further progression. in the meantime, avoid sweets and cold beverages-these will aggravate your condition. hope this helps.
You should probably go see a doctor. Soon.Maybe you have some kind of infection, especially since your getting lumps in the back of your throat... and you will probably need medicine to get better.
Sounds like strep throat. See your doctor for a culture and possibly some antibiotics. Don't fool around with it, it can cause a septic reaction that CAN be fatal if not treated.
DITTO the second answer.
I agree that it sounds like strep throat. See your doctor asap.
It's quite possible that u have some kind of an infection. Go to the doctor as soon as possible. You don't want that to spread to other ppl or for it to get worse. They'll check it out and give u some antibiotics most likely.
yea sounds like strep throat. you need to go see a doctor.
Sounds like a bacterial tonsil infection (strep throat, tonsilitis etc) Antibiotics are needed to clear the infection so a trip to the doc is needed...The tonsils are a disgusting peice of tissue when you actually read about what they do, BUT that said they are good to have.. Try some chloraseptic (sp) we got it in the states last time we were there, tastes like bleeeehh but does a good job of numbing the throat. or any other OTC throat lozenge that has anastetic qualities. Try to stick to cold things like custard %26 icecream iceblocks, cold drinks etc to give some temp releif.Good luck !!!

I have a sore on my bottom lip from a cold I had a week or so back? what is it and how to I get rid of it?

ok, so I asked this question already. Its not HERPES, TRUST ME!! it kinda feels like a blood blister, and I'm sure puss has built up inside the sore itself. so, again...knowing alittle bit more info, Abreva is my best option.?
Sorry to tell you that a cold sore is a HERPES SIMPLEX virus; actually, they are not caused by a cold at all. Viruses can remain in the body for a life time, and become active at will. There is treatment, but not a cure. If you have any doubt about what I'm saying, then read the following: Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2) are two strains of the Herpes virus family, Herpesviridae, which cause infections in humans. HSV-1 and 2 are also referred to as Human Herpes Virus 1 and 2 (HHV-1 and HHV-2).After an initial, or primary, infection, HSV establishes latency, during which the virus is present in the cell bodies of nerves which innervate the area of original outbreak. During reactivation, virus is produced in the cell and transported outwardly via the nerve cell's axon to the skin.[1] The ability of Herpes virus to establish latency leads to the chronic nature of Herpes infection; after the initial infection subsides, Herpes symptoms may periodically recur in the form of outbreaks of herpetic sores near the site of original infection.Herpes infections are marked by painful, watery blisters in the skin or mucous membranes (such as the mouth or lips) or on the genitals. The blisters resemble those seen in Chickenpox 鈥?an infection caused by a third member of the alpha-Herpesviridae subfamily, Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV), also known as Human Herpes Virus 3 (HHV-3). Lesions heal with a crudescent scab, the hallmark of herpetic disease. Herpes is contagious if the carrier is producing and releasing ("shedding") virus. This is particularly likely during an outbreak, although individuals may shed virus between outbreaks. Although no cure is yet available, treatments exist which reduce the likelihood of viral shedding. An HSV infection on the lips is commonly known as a "cold sore" or "fever blister" and should not to be confused with a canker sore; canker sores are not caused by the HSV virus.Came straight from Wiki..Paramedic in SC
Sounds like a common cold sore to me and with an over the counter medicine it should clear up, if not, I would run in to the docs office. Good luck. And I believe you! :)
Yeah, probably abreva. There is actually no cure for cold sores, just as there is no cure for the common cold. Some medications can help but time is the only cure.
If you know its not Herpes you should see the doctor.

I have a son witha rare illness and i just need help he had a wish at 9 from make a wish i needhelp?

Grants wishes to terminally ill children up to age of 18.
Children's Wish Fdn. Int'l
8615 Roswell Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30350
Voice: 1-800-323-9474 (day)
Fax: 770-393-0683
Verified: 10/30/2006
Hello, I just recently started working with a non-profit organization called the National Patient Travel Center. basically, what I do is refer people to programs that could help them with flights to and from treatment, and lodging during treatment. Most of the time, the flights are free (unless you need an air ambulance). If this is something that you could use if you find a treatment facility, please call NPATH @ 1-800-296-1217 any time from 9-5 eastern time. I would love to help you any way I can. I am hoping for the best for your son and your family!

I have a son with a rare illness is there any group that can help he had a group at 9 i just need help.?

Do you have a social worker? They should be able to tell you what programs are available for you. If your son is on Medicaid, look into Respite Care. This is where a nurse can come out to the house so you can get other things done. (I'm not sure if private pays for this too) This is where a social worker really comes in handy to help you set this up.

I have a son have a itching rings on his anal what is the best product to minimize or stop his itching on his?

You need to figure out what is causing it. Have him tested for ringworm, pinworms or other parasites.
Sounds like ringworm. Get an antifungal cream like athletes foot cream, jock itch cream or vaginal yeast cream and that should take care of it.
see a doctor the cause is as important as the condition.
Depends, of course, on the source of the "rings". Until you can take him to a doctor try Aveeno products, they work fairly well on a number of items that can make you itch.
Well this is something that you get when you eat something new for the first time. About a third of the kids get it. Is it throughout the body? This is not congagious and it is called hieves. Try soaking it in cold water and take showers 3 times a day.

I have a small swelling or lump in my armpit. is it breast cancer? im 19 years old.?

the lump is painful when i press it
Doubtful that it's cancer. A friend of mine developed an infection in one of the glands that is under there, that sounds very similar. Make an appointment with your doctor to have it checked out and taken care of before it gets worse.The tumor I had never hurt when I pressed on it.
I doubt its breast cancer, but you should get it checked. I have had this happen to me once before, right after I shaved my underarms. It was an ingrown hair that got infected. This is fairly common, but if you are really worried, you should see your doc.
Get it checked right away...the doctor should do a biopsy.
Because breast cancer often spreads first to the axillary (underarm) lymph nodes from the breast, determining whether the lymph nodes contain cancer is an essential part of the breast cancer diagnostic process.
What you're describing is your lymph nodes or lymph glands.
Any of the small bodies located along the lymphatic vessels, particularly at the neck, armpit, and groin, that filter bacteria and foreign particles from lymph fluid. During infection, lymph nodes may become swollen with activated lymphocytes.
This could be several things. It could be an ingrown hair, a swollen lymph node (which can be caused from a cold or even from smoking), or it could be something more serious. The best thing to do is to consult your doctor.
Also, just so you are not alarmed, it sounds like it could be a fibroma, which is very, very common in young ladies and benign. You still need to get it checked out.
Have it checked, most likely it is just a cyst, some deodorants cause this too.Go to the doctor and give your self some relief and I am praying for you...God bless you.

I have a small red sore on the bottom of my left foot...?

i have this small red sore on the sole of my left foot. i dont think its from irritation as it seemed to appear almost overnight. Could it be a verruca? feels a bit sore when i walk. not sure what a verruca looks like. Help please?
it may be just a blister, i get them a lot from running. if it is only one red spot, then it could be possible it is a blister, you should probaly wait to get it checked. if it gets any bigger than it is already, it could be a wart or something. and if you touch it make sure you wash your hands so as not to spread it to the rest of your body.

I have a small lump outside my anus, and i think its hemorrhoids. it doesnt hurt at all.?

what can i do to get rid of it? i'm dont want to see a doctor, and i dont want to get cream over the counter. and i'm hoping it will go away after a week or so.
its been around for 2 days, and i got it after having diarrhoea.
First of all don't try any treatment before doctor says that it is a hemorrhoid. Remember that he's there to help you and he saw many hemorrhoids during his practice.As for treatment Rue Care Oil is an excellent natural product for treatment of hemorrhoids. It shrinks the hemorrhoid, tops bleeding, strengthens the veins and so prevent hemorrhoids from returning.You should also define what is the cause of your hemorrhoid and treat also this. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much pressure put on the veins in the rectal area. The most common cause is constipation, some others are pregnancy, overweight, overeating, sitting or standing in one position for long period of time. Vitamin B6 deficiency, acid/alkaline imbalance, fatigue liver, genetic predisposition to weak veins can also contribute to developing of hemorrhoids.
are you sure its not cancer?go to the nearby clinic just to be safe...
wait for a few days and see what happens. If other symtoms develop, or you start bleeding you need to see a doc. don't worry about being embarrassed, they have seen it all...
den just observe it. if it's not bleeding den it's not haemorrhoids. could be a skin tract infection. if there is a linkage into the anus, gets bigger(may eventually hurt n affect ur movements, pain when u walk, squat etc.), den haf to c a doc... no choice. watch out for pus n blood, n other complications.

I have a small lump outside my anus and i suspect its hemorrhoids but it doesnt hurt at all.?

i got it after having diarrhoea a few days back.
i'm 16 years old, and i dont want to go to a doctor. nobody knows about it, is there any way i can get rid of it by myself without seeing a doctor? it doesnt hurt at all, its just there.its been around for, 2 days.
If you had the flu or ate something you're allergic to that gave you the diarrhea, that is why you have the bump. It will go away on its own. If you continue having this happen with constant diarrhea, tell your doctor and you can be tested for allergies, among other things.
could be an anal wart. go to the dr. or just ignore it.
going to the doc is a good idea.
Don't know, but there is a thing called anal cancer too. Don't put off going to the doctor if it doesn't go away in about a week.
Your probably right, it does sound like a hemorrhoid. As long as there's no pain or blood, I wouldn't worry about it. There really isn't any way to get rid of it, although often they disappear on their own. If you still have it in a few months, or if it starts to bother you, talk to your doctor. I know it's a little embarrassing, but they see it all the time.
Not all hemorrhoids hurt. The best thing to do is soak in a warm bath. Also using a hemorrhoid ointment can help with the swelling.
Doctor's have seen it all, they dont judge people for conditions like that. Just goooooo to the doctor.. thats the best solution, that way you know you'll have the best advice.
Hemorrhoids are characteristically itchy and painful. Go see a doctor. She'll have to keep it in confidence. It could be quite a few other things. Take care.

I have a small lump in my cheek...what sort of Doctor should I see (Dermatologist, Dentist, ENT)?

I can only feel it when I press on, or lick the inside of my mouth, as opposed to on the outside of my cheek (Feels to be the size of a large red hot, or small skittle). I'm going to seek counsel, I just want to know who to approach so as to not waste the time of the wrong sort of Doctor.
You should consult with your doctor first..Cause sometimes you need a consult from your doctor to even go see another specialist as an ENT or etc...But I would think most likely if your doctor would want you to go see somone it would probably be an ENT doctor.
Primary Care Physician -- is who I would go to first, then the dentist (but we live in a small community and I like my doctors!)
Dermatologist, they do the inside of your mouth too
I would say a dermatologist...sometimes general health doctors diagnose what they 'think' it is. And since its not inside your mouth a dentist would be no help.
wow. you should actually go to just a general doctor first and have them refer you to a specific kind of doctor. cause its hard to tell what it is going on. But go soon
The General Physician.
And he will guide you seeing the nature of the lump.
Neither of those 3. The Dermatologist may be able to help.
Wish you well soon.
Because it is on the inside of your cheek, see the dentist. Either your doctor or your dentist can make a referral for you if it is something more than what they are equipped to handle. Good Luck.
you should see your primary care doc first, whether that be a family practitioner or an Internest it doesn't much matter. Your PCP will be able to decide whether the "lump" needs to be seen by a specialist or not. Somethings are very benign and very obvious such as small oral cysts, inclusion cysts or lipomas and need only reassurance. Some may be soft tissue masses and warrant further investigation. Your PCP will also be able to decide whether or not you need a specialist and who that might by by conducting a thorough history and review of systems. We have PCP docs for many reasons, and this is one of those reasons, so start there and good luck.

I have a small kidney stone and I have been finding white particles in my urine what are they?

I was in hospital for 10 days I was diagnosed with what they said was a small kidney stone, I stayed in due to exteme pain and was descharged about 5 days ago without passing the stone. I was told to drink plenty of water which I have been doing but the stone has still not passed and I have noticed since yesterday that there are small white particles in my urine, I am concerned what can they be? Also I have felt alot of pain in my right kidney and abdomen today does that mean the stone is moving? I have also been urinating more frequently. I would be grateful for any info. Thanks.
The white particles could be uric crystals which form kidney stones. They could be small stones that were not able to be picked up on the x-ray. You're right in continuing to drink a lot of fluid. Yes, the stone could be moving. That's the only way for it to get out is to come out on it's own. If it were too big to pass, they would do a lithotripsy, break it up and then it would be in smaller pieces to pass. Additionally, now that you've formed a kidney stone, you'll be prone to getting them the rest of your life so even after this is all done and over with you need to continue to stay hydrated to keep the kidneys flushed or else crystals will form and new stones will form.
Ouch! I feel your pain. The white could be calcium or as a previous poster said, small stones not detected. You will feel pain as the stone moves, no doubt about that. Be glad it's moving, that means it's not stuck. Unfortunately, it will also eventually pass, and boy oh boy does that HURT, but it's such a relief when it's finally over.
These white particles are smaller stones that were not detectable in the original x-ray and or CAT scan. Keep drinking alot of water since that is the only way the stone will begin to move and be able to pass. Now that summer is only just a week away, you should drink all the time. Whenever you leave the house even for a few minutes, bring a bottle of water to drink. You are urinating more because your fluid intake is much higher then normal. That is normal, the more you take in ..the more you pee out.
Although, I am not a doctor I am a kidney transplant recipient so I do consider myself somewhat of an expert when it comes to kidney disorders. Feel free to IM or email me here if you have anymore additional questions.good luck

I have a small kidney stone and I have been finding white particles in my urine what are they?

I was in hospital for 10 days I was diagnosed with what they said was a small kidney stone, I stayed in due to exteme pain and was descharged about 5 days ago without passing the stone. The doctor said it would pass on its own, I was told to drink plenty of water which I have been doing but the stone has still not passed and I have noticed since yesterday that there are small white particles in my urine, I am concerned what can they be? Also I have felt alot of pain in my right kidney and abdomen today does that mean the stone is moving? I have also been urinating more frequently. Does this mean the stone is breaking up or could it be more stones? I would be grateful for any info as I am concernened especially about the reoccurring pain, which has been quite bad today. Thanks.
Why don't you go somewhere to get your urine analyzed? Especially if you are in a lot of pain then the Emergency Department is the way to go...The pain from stones occurs when the stone gets logged in the ureter; it may or may not pass; if the stone is small as you said then it may be possible to have lithotripsy (one of the methods used to break down the stone into minute fragments that you can easily pass); you shouldn't just stay home and suffer; get some professional advice.It is impossible for anyone to tell you the composition of these "white particles" in your urine just by reading what you wrote; that is why laboratory tests exist.
probably the stones passing or more crystles. maybe you should see dr
sounds like the stones broken down and passing through
It sounds like calcium deposits and the stone coming away.
I think the stone is breaking up, but perhaps you should ring your doctor and check?
Those are the mineral deposits that make up the stone. The stone might be breaking up, but it's not anything to be concerned about. Kidney stones cause a lot of pain with urination when they pass, but the frequency is likely from the extra fluids you've been drinking. Just relax, but if you feel lower back pain lasting more than 24 hours, have blood in the urine, contact emergency services right away. The pain is very normal and even expected, so don't fret. You can also look at WebMD for more of what to expect with kidney stones. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water and cranberry juice, and try to take your mind off the pain with your favorite movie or something.
Its the stone! Don't worry! You will probably find it painful some men think it must be like having a baby!
Please dont stress!
First if you are concerned you should call your Dr. From my own experience... A kidney stone is a kidney stone, when it comes out they all feel like you are trying to pass a burr. I have been told that anytime the stone is moving they will cause pain. (I believe childbirth is less pain)I also have been told they take about 14 days to pass. If you haven't passed it by then they can go in and remove it. If you were in the hospital for 10 days, I wonder why they would have made to suffer through that and not just take it out when you were there. I'm not sure about the particles in your urine. Sometimes you can have what they call debris from the stone. If you are drinking allot that is why you are urinating allot.It is also hard to tell how many stones you have, the Dr. should have been able to tell you. Another thing is that after you have had a stone you are prone to have more.If you are in allot of pain you should call your Dr., you could even have a stone lodged somewhere.
Unbelievable pain this one, had it a few years ago came on without any warning, instant attack. Was told the same as your poor self kidney stone to drink plenty of water doesn!t mean you have to drink to much as this is not good, about three litres a day should do until this disperses naturally, it will go and probably say farewell to you also, only kidding, it is very painfull, particles are probably just calcium breaking away as some of the medics on this site will inform you more accurate, cut down coffee, tea, and if you drink the beer, moderate it for a while at least, good health.
Possibly Albumen - a protein that is normally broken down before it reaches the Bladder
pieces of the stone its breaking up.

I have a small kidney stone and I have been finding white particles in my urine what are they?

I was in hospital for 10 days I was diagnosed with what they said was a small kidney stone, I stayed in due to exteme pain and was descharged about 5 days ago without passing the stone. I was told to drink plenty of water which I have been doing but the stone has still not passed and I have noticed since yesterday that there are small white particles in my urine, I am concerned what can they be? Also I have felt alot more pain by my kidneys and abdomen today does that mean the stone is moving? I would be grateful for any info as it is hard to get information here in spain as they tell you the bare minimum. Thanks.
This sounds like the kidney stone breaking up. Kidney stones are part calcium (hence the white bits) and they pass out through your urine. If you are worried or in a lot of pain (which can be usual when passing the stones) go and see a doctor.
sounds like its broken down and its passing through now
usually the stones are white, could have a yellow tint, it is possible that you had one large one and they sometimes disperse into several small ones, you could pass then for around 2 weeks
It could be that your kidney stone is breaking and your passing it in your urine i know kidney stones can be very painful and hope it clears up very soon, good luck.
could be particles of stone.are you straining your urine?of course,a stone moving is painful.all you can do is wait until it passes and drinks lots of fluids.keep hydrated.

I have a slight yellowish eyewhite. i ver light yellow. i mean it is not very white. can anyone help me?

i ever went to have a blood test. there's nth wrong with my liver. i just don understand why. but some people told me it is because of my health. yellowish eyewhite show that im weak in health right? so how can i get rid of the yellowish? doctor told me to drink more water and eat more fruits. i trues drinking alor of water. but it just help abit. and the funny thing is that somrtime it looks yellowish sometimes it don't. i went to a few doctor already but all of them say nth is wrong.
Trust your doctor. don't be paranoid. If your doctor is any good then they will know what to test for if you have yellow eye symptoms.if you don't trust your doctor, go see another one. but as you have been to a few STOP BEING SO PARANOID!
don't listen to any advice from the hypochondriacs on YA. maybe you just have slightly yellowish eyes normally? depends on if they really are that yellow or if you just think they are more yellow because they aren't perfectly white. no one has perfectly white eyes...
If you've already gone to a doctor and had tests done then there's nothing more anyone here can really offer. Having yellow in your eye-whites is a classic sign of liver disease.
You should drink more water because it helps your liver function properly. Try to eat properly as well and take a fiber supplement like fiber sure.
If there is no health problem one must look at other possible causes.What is your age? At older ages the eye white may not be as bright as when younger. It does not necessarily mean poor health.what is your ethnic background. Some skin tones in differing light conditions may cast color to the eye white.The color of clothing also may cast a tent to the eye white.Last, check to see if the eye white decreases when you eat certain things. Once you come to a conclusion and or realization about your eyes, do not dwell on it. The stress of worrying about it can not be healthy psychologically.

I have a slight bump on my forehead that emerged only recently. It seems to be underneath the skin?

Its not a pimple, or whitehead or anything like that. Ive tried pinching it, poking it but to no avail.
probably just a zit.
Time will tell
It might be an under the skin pimple.I've gotten them before, They don't really poke out like other zits, so you can't really see them too well, but they are really annoying. Leave it alone and it will go away
it IS a zit. Some people get small bumps under their skin, it is an especially annoying zit!! If you try to pop will get worse and be very painful!
As we get older, we develop fatty deposit spots all over our bodies...some can block or place pressure on nerves and can range in size, from really small to over 3in+ in diameter. I have known a couple of people who have had these types of things on their forehead. This could be what it is. But, this is not to verify that that is what it is. You really need to see your general practitioner. Set up an appoint for a physical, in the mean time.
It could be anything such as a cyst. I would recommend seeing your physician to determine if a trip to the dermatologist might be in order. Diagnosing any type of medical condition without an examination is ethically wrong and potentially dangerous, and I would be wary of any advice given by someone who would be willing to do so. There is no substitute for a trained professional in these type of matters.
I suggest seeing your family doctor who may refer you to a dermatologist
I agree with "What, what, what"'s answer - I just asked my doc about a funny bump on my head that has developed during pregnancy. He said that my GP or a dermatologist can take care of it, but not until I am done being pregnant. My hubby calls it my horn.
Depends on the bump. If it's firm and unmoving, it could be a bone spur - if you've had a serious blow there recently, the bone may be expanding/growing outwards instead of following the normal course of growth. Considering how you've written the question, this is unlikely.If it's firm but mobile, it might be a cyst of a sweat gland...a sebaceous cyst. It's painless and not dangerous unless it become infected, then it'll feel hot to the touch. If it's soft and mobile, it's most likely a lipoma. My father has one. It's basically a grouping of fatty cells that have somehow organized themselves at that location.None of there are particularly dangerous, but if you want, you can go to your GP and have it looked at. S/he will decide whether this is something that should be dealt with. The lipoma is drained and occasionally returns, the cyst is treatable with meds and the bone spur (the least likely) is operable and is a 1-day job.Good luck.

I have a skin problem, what do you think it is?

I have 4 red spots on my legs, about the size of a nickel, they seem dried out, red and sometimes itchy. they are also spreading, i now have one on my arm.
If persists go t oa doctor and see if you can get anything for it. Seeing as it has already spread then I'd go fairly soon.
sounds like posion ivy.
it could be ring worm, ive had it before. Its easy to get rid of. If you could buy some t-tree oil it works great!
you have been contracted w/ something serious especially if it's spreading that rapidly, i would get off this computer if i were you and rush to the hospital.
It maybe Herpes and if is Herpes you must be very sensitive right know in the place of the spots, what I mean is that this red spots nickel sized are sensitive by touching, by putting your pants or sweater and the contact of the pants or sweater to the spots makes you more sensitive and also sensitive my moving the affected areas!

I have a skin condition where my skin itches all the time. There is not rash or redness or any visible sign?

Apart from occassional hives, you can't tell that there is anything wrong with my skin. But my arms and legs are extremely itchy all the time and especially at night. I have had a blood allergy test done and there were no allergens discovered. The doctors have told me its due to stress but I would like to know if anyone has any other suggestions. Thank you!
It could be that when you are washing clothes and bed linen you machine doesnt rinse properly, that will cause itching it happened to me and it was that.
Also check the washing powder to see if it is biological or nonbiological as one is prone to cause itching but I dont remember which.
moisturise your skin...but make sure its for sensetive skin!!...or u could try some petroleum Jelly. when I get dry skin I use that.
I have the same problem. Could be Urticaria
My husband tends to feel the same after a shower. There is no redness or rashes, just itch and discomfort. He thinks maybe he's allergic to the shower gel or maybe the skin is dry having been stripped of its natural oil by the same gel.
I have the same thing and mine is caused by diabetes, a diabetic neuropathy. Possibility??
Maybe you should consult a neurologist?
Did you test for uric acid? The bad news here would be that you have hyperuricemia, if it's high. The good news is that you would have an answer for the itchiness and a plan to cure it. Hyperuricemia is usually solved by changing the diet %26 I've found the "gout diet" esp helpful. You can also have your thyroid tested at the same time, since you'll be drawing blood, because itchiness is associated w/hormones as well... whether you're male or female. I don't know how practical it is, but try to find a dr that takes you %26 your health seriously...Hope this helps...
For all of you that have answered this and have the same thing on skin itches, you have parasites and also yeast infection.
If you doubt it please email me at and put as your subject "yeast %26 parasite test" I will give you a test.
Do you have another email address other then Yahoo I prefer that you use that please when you contact me. If not then use your Yahoo one

If you are in North America send me your phone number, starting with the area code then the number and your time zone.
Could you have a yeast infection, or candida? Look it up online and see if it matches.

I have a sister whose red and white blood counts are out of whack, so is her platelet count! ALSO, her?

liver enzyes and she is anemic? They found all this out bc she has to have her L4 and L5 fused?? Why is her blood all out of whack? She does NOT have aids or anything like that. She has been happily married for 25 yrs!! Does anyone have a clue?????
Out of Whack? Is this high or low or a combination of both? If they are all low, it sounds like aplastic anemia, which could explain the liver enzymes as well. Definitely better get this corrected before she has back surgery.
Our bodies have to be fed certain nutrients everyday. Nutrients that are no longer in our food. These nutrients are what the cells of our bodies use to know who they are and what they are supposed to do. There are other nutrients that protect the cells from the effects of toxins in the air, food, and water. Most of these come in the form of preservatives that are put into food, drinks and lotions. Cells must be able to communicate, they must be defended with anti-oxidants, they must be regulated, they must be fed. When they are not our immune system will weaken. Americans immune systems are weakening 3% - 5% per year. In 10 yrs a persons immune system will be functioning 30 - 50% less than it should be. At that rate it is no wonder people have health challenges. Wish I could help you more but I must be compliant with the guidelines.

I have a sick friend and the doctors don't know what it is. Anyone recognise these symptoms?

They thought it was a kidney infection, but its not. She throws up when she stands and the doctors told her she cant drive long distances. I think she gets dizzy.
Here are some areas %26 things to look at -
although one cannot diagnose from a tiny bit of info written on the Internet!
You sure do not give much information.Neverthless, tell friend or her parents to make sure doctors check:
Gall Bladder, gallstones, or blocked bile ductears and balance for signs of Menieur's Diseasestomach for reflux or esophageal stricturebrain and spinal column for any pressure on balance/ nausea centerSee what i mean? Could be any of these systems or something else as simple as a virus.
Just make sure friend gets another opinion, esp University Hospital or Clinic, if she's not getting better.Best wishes.
How long has it been going on? Could be blood pressure or even anxiety related.
have them check the gall bladder,,gall stones can get stuck in the ducts and cause nausea and vomiting and dizziness,,vomiting causes dehydration so drink lots of water
My niece had these symptoms and they kept telling her it was all in her head, then finally found out it was her pancreas. She better see a different doctor that proffesionalizes in the intestines. She does take medication now and she is OK. O I hope your friend is too. I hope she is not low on water and potassium. Make her eat some fresh fruits and veggies. I hope she gets better.
Inside your ear, there are crystal-like (i think potassium) structures that controll your balance. Sometimes these crystalls can become disloged, and cause the the same symptoms you described. This condition is called Vertigo."Inner Ear Dizziness
Half of the inner ear is used for hearing (the cochlea) and the other half is used for balance (the labyrinth). If the labyrinth or the nerve that connects it to the brain is malfunctioning, dizziness can result. Many types of maladies occur in the inner ear to cause dizziness, including Meniere's disease, labyrithitis, positional vertigo, and vestibular neuritis and tumors of the inner ear nerves. These usually cause imbalance, vertigo (spinning), and nausea. It can also be accompanied by tinnitus and hearing loss, if the nearby cochlea is also affected." (quoted from [
Sounds like an inner-ear problem.

I have a short leg?

My right leg is slightly shorter than my left (1/2 inch to 1/4 inch approx differernce) I have always walked with my right leg, i don't know the word, oppoisiete of pideion toed. Occasionaly i will have a limp in that leg and now the limp seems to be coming more. I have taken to walking with my heel up so i don't limp. My mother says that not everybody has limbs that are exactly the same and to stop whining.
Is this a serious medical condtion or am i just complaining about something normal?
If this is a medical problem could it progress over time and i end up not being able to walk. I am sixteen years old and my limp is very noticebale now.
ok well first thing you should know is the body is completely symetrical (can't spell) one side is bound to be longer or shorter than the other, so what you have would be normal just it's a little bit to much shorter, ok well as for your not being able to walk thing i can assure you that you will walk! lol but you should go get it checked out by a docter as it is causing you discomfort and your worried about it, also when you have shoes one, try stuffing a some tisue underneath you heal in order to keep your leg almost as high as the other, but GO TO YOUR DOCTER TODAY and get it sorted out, if you don't it could leaad to diformety, like people shouldn't lean one one leg all the time as it causes the spine to curve and eventually if it is kept up the spine will stick that way and will be crooked, its just how the body works, so get it sortedand please for me put a piece of tissue in you shoe under your heal at leach 2 and a half inches of it, and make sure you squash it down so that it's hard and then add more to it until it reaches 2.5 inches, this WILL balance you out trust me, and when you don't have shoe's one, you can either where one shoe, or put tissue in your sock, you can even get special jelly things for it but please go to your docter your still young kiddo i don't want anything bad to happen to you, just tell him and show him, if he says you we can't do anything about it then ask him how you can relieve it, there's always a answer to everything sweetygoodluck and remember USE TISSUE lol and DOCTERShave fun hope your okay honey WOO! *huggles*
oh also they do special shoe's for that too, so look into that okay honey GOOD LUCK! WOOP!
Perhaps wear a shoe with a thing inside to help make the leg level out more...while taking out the padded thing on leg that is longer.
most people do have a limb that is longer or shorter than the other, but it doesn't usually cause them problems. i have one arm that is longer than the other. i would talk to your doctor about it. it's not good on your body to not walk naturally for long periods of time. you could throw off your hips and back eventually. i do believe that they make special inserts that you can put in your shoes that will make your legs the same.
sweetie they make shoes for exactly your situation. The have a slightly deeper part (more material) that is barely noticable (only notice it if looking for it). This is true for a lot of people. some will not admit to having this problem but a lot do. It is all about self consiousness. if you do not mind the limp it will not hurt you but if you do mind fix it with the special shoe or with material you can buy to stick in the shoes you already have!
I would get into a doc ASAP!
I had a friend who had this poblem, in high school it became more noticeable. Her's was caused from having a serious illness like polo if I am recalling correctly...
You can have special made shoes or even an insole that will help a lot and even things out so you are not ruining your posture and causing more extensive irreversable damage!
Your Mother needs to be more concerned about this!
This can become more debilitating over time.
You may have something more serious going on as far as this occuring. It could be something simple as scoliosis or more adverse!
Convince her to have it checked.
Your situation depends on it!
I wish you the best of luck.
Conditions like this can always lead to future problems. Your mother is wrong about stopping whining . 99% of people have no problem walking. The fact is that your problem is totally correctable with today's medicine. Get this fixed before you are 18. You should have insurance and if you don't I'm sure that there's help available. In California, all kids have health insurance. There are children's hospitals and all kinds of care available in other states.
I hope that your mom will get active with getting you fixed up.Talk with your school nurse. It just makes me sick that you aren't under medical care for your condition with corrective action planned.
I will be praying for you.

I have a severe phobia of snakes and im going camping where there are rattlers what do i do if i get bit?

please help!! oh and i cant just not go.
Wow you are very courageous to confront your phobia like this!Actually the chances of you seeing a snake are slim. The chances of you getting bit are even slimmer.You can get a snake bite kit and it will come with directions. But it will probably never be used.Snakes don't come after you. They get away from you if they can. If you interrupt them as they are sleeping or sunning themselves and they have no way to escape, a rattler will warn you with his rattle to stay away. Don't make any sudden moves and he will probably go in the opposite direction..You shouldn't move large rocks, and you should look before you sit down. I would wear thick socks and hiking boots.Have fun.
just visit and they teach you how to kill sneaker mentally!
tie the bite off and go to the hospital
Find out how far the hospital is and make fast tracks.
take a smake bite kit, also carry a long stick and tap out in front of you and side to side make lots of noise
suck the bite, but dont swallow (no really?) and call 911, but chances are, you wont get bit
omg, I'm the same way. I'm even afraid of fake snakes, you know those rubber ones. i don't think that if you get bit by rattle snake they're is much help for you. i think you need to get immediate medical care or else you'll die. well good luck! :)
Then you wont go %26 have fun.
Keep your mind off from them ( %26 DISTANCE)
dont worry, youll be fine.
Theres lotts of people goes camping, you cant worry about EVERYTHING hon, orrrr you wont have fun, get your but out now %26 enjoy yourself, life is to short to worry about DANG snakes. have fun.
just crab the snake by its neck each time you see one
please do not worry, rattlers are more afraid of you than you are of them. A couple of simple hints: where you step, be waware of your environment.
2.rattlers are cold blooded animals and seek out areas where they can warm their body (southern exposure hillsides) avoid those in the afternoon.
3. listen, they will warn you by rattling before they strike
4.stay on walking paths if possible
5.look before you reach for something to pick it up.
6.wear high-top hiking shoes and thick socks.If this makes you feel better, the great majority of rattlers will rather retreat than strike. If you notice one in your immediate environment, stay still, it will move not know where you are going to be hiking, but in most areas you can call for help on your cell and request antivenin.
If you do get bitten (an this is very unlikely) make sure the bite site is below level of your heart, be still, rapid movements speed up blood circulation and thus speed spread of the venom. Most rattler bites are not fatal... but the person gets very seriously ill and requires immediate professional attention.
Try living in Australia, I know atleast 10 people that have been bitten by a king brown and will have nerve damage for the rest of their life. You have it easy in America lol :-P
i have the same too. if you are going camping then wear long boots that come up to your knee. and also take a sleeping bag with you and always keep your whole body inside it. you may also like anti-venoms.

I have a serious paranoia issue and i would like to know how to get rid of it w/o medical help.?

Basically didnt finally fall asleep until 5 in the morning yesterday.Now I'm up again and its almost 2 am.I'm basically afraid that if i close my eyes, someone will get me. I cant really explain past that...Any way to get over this fear so i can finally sleep?
Hi:From what you are describing, you have a hefty plate of paranoia. You are already exhausted due to your sleeping habits, and now on top of that there is a new fear of a monster that wants to get you.I can very much understand the no sleep you speak of. I have been awake for the past 7 days. I have rested my eyes maybe for a total of $---.I can say this because we are in the same boat going to the sme place, to the place were we can sleep in the warn sun and enjoy the rest of the day. I know. Easier than said or done.First thing in the am you MUST see you doctor please. Even though you want no medication, voice that also but hear what he is telling you.....all the reg things and focus on your paranoia. Once you are in treatment for you issues, you will begin to feel better soon. Dont take on more that you can handle either.I will pray today that you and I will be able to sleep come Monday.
Honey you will have no quality life until you seek medical advice.
Well, there is some reason you feel that if you close your eyes someone will get you. Whatever it is, you should talk about it to someone. If it becomes a regular problem then you should see a doctor and get some therapy (to help you find out why you have this issue). Sometimes talking about things will bring out why you have this fear. Otherwise, I don't know what to tell you without knowing more about what's going on to make you feel that way or if it is just something that is out of the blue. Good luck and hope you can get some sleep.
How long have you had this fear for?? You can go about this in several ways. If its just something recent, look at your lifestyle changes. Factors including drugs, stress, hormones etc could trigger this off. Its not uncommon these days to manifest issues like this.Chemical imbalance in the brain (which isn't rare) or depression (bipolar, manic etc)Braur make a really good relaxant (I think its called insomnia relief) which is all natural and you can get it in a spray or tablets that dissolve under the tongue.
Or speak with a naturpath, perhaps you just need to re balance you and your lifestyle.
Or if you feel as tho this could escalate further and could potentially be more serious than I think you should see a professional ASAP.
I know that a lot of people balk at the idea of getting professional help for things because they want to deal with it all themselves. The thing is, that usually doesn't work for the really serious problems. What you are experiencing sounds very serious and is greatly diminishing the quality of your life. There is no shame in seeking professional help - that's what they're there for! Please make yourself an appointment and take your life back. You'll be in my thoughts. :)(The link below talk about extreme paranoia, some of the causes and treatments.)

I have a sensitive skin... how can i eliminate facial acne naturally?

Acne and pimples is one of the most distressing and depressing problems faced mostly by youngsters. Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out for more useful info.
Wash your hands often in order to reduce dirt/oil that gets on your face when you touch it. Take Brewer's Yeast. You can find it at Wal-Mart.
if ur face is too oily rub on eggwhite if dry use yolk

I have a red, itchy rash under the folds of belly fat from loosing a large amount of weight.?

The skin fold is large and I am unable to find a way to keep it from perspiring. The rash is now very red and itchy. What can I do?
Could be a yeast infection (Candida) -- they are very common in that area. You could try over the counter fungal creams like lotrimin, but if that doesn't work, go to your primary care doc and get something specific to what your doctor thinks it is (likely a Nystatin cream or some such). It is important to try to keep the area clean and dry. You can't keep it from perspiring, but maybe using cotton underpants and just really trying to keep it dry might help. I had the same problem after a C-section with my son, and it drove me MAD. The nystatin helped. Good luck! -J
Get some medicated powder ~ use it ~ This should help ~ Congratulations on your large weight loss !You could also try some oatmeal soap ~ has a tendency to dry it out ~ Had success with this ~
keep it clean and dry, use some gold bond medicated cream for a day or two and after it clears up, apply powder after showering to keep it from coming back.
goldbond medicated powder. wtg on losing weight!
Use desitin or balmex on those areas while they're irritated. To avoid sweating in those areas, use antiperspirant in the folds and then balmex at night. I use it on all my patients who have large skin folds.
It's probably a heat rash. Put Calamine or Caladryl lotion on it to get rid of it, then use baby powder with cornstarch every day to keep it clear.

I have a red, bumpy, blotchy rash on the top of my hand but it does not itch...over washing my hands?

I just noticed a strange blotchy, bumpy red rash on the top of my hand... near my wrist... but it does not itch. I have been washing my hands alot lately... could this be a result of that? If not then does anyone know what it could be?
It most likely is an irritation of some kind. Best to get it checked out by your doctor.


Hey, you should see dermatologist, just in case. Anyway you should try this... Put some garlic juice on it. Garlic is natural anti-biotic and kills bacteria, it also goes deep under skin. It would be smart to massage skin around the zit (NOT DIRECTLY on it) to increase blood flow so more anti-body cells get there to do their job.Doing that you will help your body to deal with the problem as fast as possible and prevent further infections. Just don't touch it too much directly, you don't want to push the bacteria deeper inside, you could cause scars... My friend also had similar problem a few years ago and he touched it too much and popped it all the time and was scratching directly on the spot. Now he has a HUGE scar there which probably will never go away, because the bacteria damaged lower skin layers.Just an advice. If you have similar acne problems more often check ClearPores 3-step body or face anti-acne system. It does outstanding job fighting acne, you can find it here:'s all from me, I hope this answered your question. Good luck with your "unwanted" guest on your skin :)
ouch! i'd say go to a dermatologist
it's a zit, let it heal, maybe put some zit cream on it
I think it sounds like some sort of bite. I would go to the doctor and have him check it. He may also be able to prescribe a cream for it.
It does not sound like an oridnary zit, especially if it burns.
Time to go to your family Dr or dermatologist...Take care and good luck..
I hope you have seen a doctor.

I have a red rash on my armpits and my belly button and another area Ive tried cortisone and neosporin?

do i have a skin disease or ? I'm pretty concerned actually
One of my kids had a rash in similar places also. It might be Rosea. Check with your doctor to be sure, though.
Its probably a heat rash. My husband gets them all the time. You might want to see the doctor to find out for sure. If you find out it is a heat rash you can use an oatmeal bath that aveeno makes. Other causes of rashes are changes in soaps, colognes, laundry detergent, deodorant..etc.Hope it helps!
Stop shaving those area's

I have a red face all the time, its always red?

i'm 17 and I have a red face, its just always red ever since a couple years ago, theres no bumps or anything its just always really really red and its getting extremely annoying to live with, can anyone help?
It's called rosacea.
Google it for details.
It can be another type of acne and a dermatoligists advice is strongly recommended.
Rosacea (IPA: [晒蓹蕣.藞ze瑟.蕛蓹]) is a common but often misunderstood condition that is estimated to affect over 45 million people worldwide. It affects fair-skinned people of mostly north-western European descent, and has been nicknamed the 'curse of the Celts' by some in Ireland. It begins as erythema (flushing and redness) on the central face and across the cheeks, nose, or forehead but can also less commonly affect the neck and chest.
Maybe you have rocacia? Don't know if that's how to spell it.
Cheers ; )
proactive works
well im not saying your over weight because i never saw you but thats usually the reason people get red faces
You probably have a condition known as Rosacea. There's really no cure for it... Go see a dermatologist she may have laser treatment options for you. In the mean time, if it's bothersome, they have makeup to lessen the red appearance.
is that bad? go to the doc just to be sure if there is any pigmentation problem linked to that, if not you just have a red face..
are you really embarassed all the time? jkmaybe it's rosacea
go have a blood sampel taken .. u might have an underlying haematological condition .. u said it only started couple of years ago .. so it might be some form of anaemia .. erythema (redness of skin - especially face) is a common symptom of anaemia .. go ask a doctor about it and have a blood sample taken for a regular checkup[what the hell people are talking about "Rosacea" !!, this is a disease with pimpless and broken bleeding blood vessels, he says he has no itch or bumps!!]
go see a dermatologist
It could be Rosacea. A virus carried by people with Irish blood. Treated with Tetracycline. Only a dermatoligist can tell you for sure.Can't ever get rid of it.
You most likely have a condition called rosesea. Go to a dermitoligist to have it diagnosed. But that is probably what it is. Also if you are irish that can be heriditary. Idk why but it is.
Hope it helped
You may have rosacea. You should discuss your options with your physician.
This is a condition called Rocascia. You can ask your doctor to recommend products that will help with the redness. They make alot of products for such conditions that you can buy at Walgreens or Rite aide. Unfortunately there is not a cure but there are solutions to help with the problem.
Since you don't have any rash or bumps, then maybe you should get your blood pressure checked. I know a few people that have high blood pressure and their face is always red. You probably don't have it, but its worth getting it checked out.
You could have rosecia or high blood pressure. There are medications and creams to correct these types of problems.
Do you have a heart condition or poor circulation?
it sounds like you might have Rosacea.I would Google "rosacea" and read about it. it is a virus for which there is no cure. you can take medication which will make the symptoms go away (redness) there are several creams and antibiotics. a dermatologist can check you and prescribe something for it, if it is Rosacea. GOOD NEWS-IT'S VERY CONTROLLABLE!good luck
i believe your red face is called roseaha (not sure of the spelling) you should see your family doctor or dermatologist. or try pro active they advertise that they clear your face to it's natural state. i am not a doctor of any kind but if it was for me i would do the proactive solutions. your answer came from my mother. when she saw your question.
rosacea... talk to your dermatologist
I have the same problem as you (except I'm 14). I know exactly how you feel! My friends make jokes about my face and ears a lot. My ears usually look like they are on fire!
I am an easy going person and I try not to be bothered by it. I think I get embarrased easily, so that may help my face turn red, and I think I just have a lot of blood in my face. Try not to worry about it too much. Maybe try to stay calmer and relax more, but you should worry more about your outlook on life than your appearance. I hope this helps!

I have a red circle around a senstive area its benn itching and hurting and may be forming a skab what should?

could be ringworm...don't scratch it, or you can spread it!! Here's a pic if you've never had a ringworm before: it is ringworm the best thing to do is go see a doctor and get a prescribed medicated lotion. there are over-the-counter anti-fungal treatments, but they take more than a month to work.
go to a doctor
Could be Lyme desease, caused by a bite from a woodtick. Get it checked, could also be just a spider bite.

I have a really spotty back on my top half, any ideas of how to clean them up?? thanku x?

cocoa butter and vitamin e oil works wonders.Everytime u bathe apply it on the spots and afta a few wks u'll start to c a diff.Keep using it and it shud clear up pretty gd.
maybe you are half leopard... i heard of these rare occurences where people have wolf faces in mexico
It could be coming from when you rinse off your hair products in the shower. Make sure you rinse your back very well and even scrub it with a long handled brush and no soap, last thing before you step out of the shower. Around the house, wear halter tops so you can give your skin as much air as possible. .
If you are talking about what are sometimes called liver spots, then saw remedy, but have not tried it so don't have clue if it works. Put on them combination horseradish and yogurt.

I have a really sore throat and havent been able to sleep last night.?

If the doctor gives me amoxicillin for strep throat( i have white stuff on my tonsils) is it safe to take while 22 weeks pregnant? thanks
Check with your doctor or pharmacist - but it's unlikely he/she would prescribe something that wouldn't be safe with your pregnancy.
Hope you feel better soon.
If the Md gave it to you, it's safe. I would call your Md and ask what is safe to take when you're pregnant.
Amoxicillin is safe in 22 weeks gestation of pregnancy.But it may not be the most suitable antibiotic in sore throat.This is because most is a viral infection in sorethroat.Amoxycillin will worsen the general clinical condition if it is associated with Infectious mononucleosis or Glandular fever.One will have a very severe maculopapular rash,besides sorethroat,lethargy and cervical lymphadenopathy.

I have a really painfull right hip. Pain is worse on external rotation.?

Any ideas. btw its been like it for 5 days now. No accident or injury involved.
I wondered if any of my meds produce joint pain.
Valsartan, felodopine, bendroflurozide.
Possible. I started having bad hip pain when I began martial arts. I don't know if I turned the wrong way or my body was rebelling. Anyhow it hurt for like 3 years. I had a friend suggest I start taking gelatin. I took two in the morning and two at lunch for about two months. Pain went away. Now I just take two in the morning.
If it is financially possible, please go to the Dr. I understand it is hard on some people financially to go to the Dr. for treatment, however, in this case I would suggest going to alleviate the pain and worry.
You need to go see the do if you have worse pain on external rotation. Something is wrong so see your doc today.

I have a really bad sunburns and it is itching like crazy and i ahve had bad sunburns before but not like?

it is driving me crazy and i dont know why or howto stop it
Buy some lidocaine spray. I used one called Cool Blue Aloe Mist by Fruit of the Earth when I got a sunburn once and it really helped.
DO NOT SCRATCH IT!Try some aloe vera, if you've got it, and if it's still really warm put a cool rag on it or take a cool shower to cool off. If it hurts, take pain relievers. Those should help immediately. If it's really bad, you might need to go to a doctor to have it checked out.
Try some baby powder to sooth the skin, also put some on your sheets, rub it into the sheets, than shake. That should help you sleep, so you don't feel like your sleeping on sand paper
lots of lotion, Alvera gel and this may sound crazy but my kids just had bad sunburns and i gave them a luke warm bath with a cup of vinegar in it, it takes the pain away and draws out the heat and it really works if you can withstand the smell!
Try mixing 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray as often as you need.
If it is still a "fresh" sunburn, this will help: pour some vinegar into a bowl, add some water until the smell is dilluted enough for you to be able to put it on your body without killing flies for 3 miles). Then, soak a washcloth in the mixture, apply the washcloth to the burned area for 15-20 seconds. Pull of, wring out, repeat. It pulls the heat out and prevents the skin from continuing to burn. It works like a charm. If your sunburn is past the hurt stage and in the peel/itch stage. . . there's not much to be done. Drink tons of water and apply aloe gel and/or vitamin E to your skin.
If it is sunburn, aloe vera really should clear it up.
It might not be sunburn though, did you consider that it might be an allergic reaction or poison ivy, or perhaps that combined with sunburn?
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