Answer: Several of my uncles and cousins were able to overcome their stuttering with the help of The Stuttering Foundation's book "Self Therapy for the Stutterer." One of the uncles also went to a speech therapist who specialized in treating stuttering at the same time that he worked through the book. He found the therapist with the help of the Foundation, too. They have a list under "referrals" on their web site
go to ur doctor
there is something new out to help this problem
what they do is stick an earphone into ur ear so you can hear yourself speak
our brain hears the incorrection and forces itself to speak correctly
as you hear yourself speak correctly your problems begin to disperse
i saw this on tv on the medical channelGood Luck! =)
your not alone Mel Tillus is a great country singer he make fun of problem . great singer and song writer.. get his tapes or cds
Consider seeing a speech/language therapist/pathologist (called different things in various countries). Depending on how old you are and how long you have had this problem there are a number of treatment options available.
I wont bore you with them here... but there are heaps of things that can be done!
Hope this helps,
Well, you aren't alone. In fact over 3 million people in the U.S. stutter. And there are many famous people that have had that difficulty...Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, James Earl Jones and like Grandpa said Mel Tillis. Although there is no instant cure for it...there is therapy that can be done through a speech-language pathologist. You might want to check out the site below. The Stuttering Foundation...see there FAQ section and the information regarding insurance reimbursement for treatment.
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