About nine months ago, I got sick. I had a swollen lymph node in my armpit, severe pain all over my body, and intense headaches. Three months ago, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Since the diagnoses, I have developed more symtpoms. I have rectal bleeding, excessive urinatian, a large growth in my vagina that hurts when I try to insert a tampon, and twitches in my limps and muscles that I cannot control. I'm thinking that the original diagnoses may be wrong. Are the symptoms serious enough to have a trip to the doctor? My next appointment is in september, and I think I should just wait until then. For extra info, I'm 14, and, obviously, a girl. I take 3,200 mg of ibuprofen every day, if that has anything to do when anything.
Do you believe in genitics? Well, it may not be from your first generation from you going up. It could be around that to the top. I understand you are troubled by that desease. If you could only try going to the temples and have sacrifices of prayers, I can surely tell you that you will be fine. If you can give me email I can suggest some options. If you are open to this.
I think u schould go see the doctor now. These are not normal symtoms.
dont wait til september, things could get way worse that it is now. its always better to have it checked as early as possible so that things can be prevented from getting worse.
Yes you need to go to the doctor! 3,200mg of Ibuprofen a day can be the cause of your rectal bleeding. That is a dangerously high dosage! It can destroy your kidneys and may have already began doing so. I have Fibro it is very painful,but you need proper meds that will take care of the pain without putting you on a kidney trans plant list. the excessive urination may be from the growth in your vagina that needs to be checked too. Your symptoms of rectal bleeding are serious enough that you should have an appointment in the morning and be sure you tell him how much Ibuprofen you have been taking so he can check for kidney damage with blood tests and get you on a better stronger med for pain. Good Luck!
Those symptoms are too severe, I'd play safe and go visit the Doc earlier - very few medications come without side effects (and they will vary greatly in severity from person to person).If it's the medication they can put you on to something different or at least investigate further, you shouldn't be suffering all these discomforts. They came on after your original diagnosis so that's information your Doctor will want to know, in fact I'm sure he/she will read you the "riot act" for not telling them if you leave it till September..Fibromyalgia does present in many wild and weird ways, but until it's as stabilized as it can be - go give the Doc the pleasure of your company.Good luck
holy crap...why are you taking so much ibuprofen...does the Doc know this...he/she can't because they would be having a stroke Like I am right now...you're slowly killing yourself...of course the 1st diagnosis is wrong...cal your MD and ask for a sick visit not a well visit like now..like tomorrow...I can't believe you're taking so much WHY! go look at a regular bottle of like Tylenol or Aleve.
Please go to the doctor and make sure everythings okay. If you do have something bad your waiting could make it progress it even more. If its something really bad the damage could be irreversible. Please make an appointment at the doctors or tell somebody please.
3200 mg of ibuprofen is insane! I would never take more than 800 mg and even that can cause stomach bleeding. Ask your doctor for proper pain medication and medication to protect your stomach lining.PS. You are probably low in iron now due to taking so much ibuprfen. If it is low, ask to see a specialist to make sure you don't have anemia of chronic disease.
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