
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have a lot ( in the middle) of heats bumps on my back how do i get rid of them?

there staring to get on the front of my body!please help!
are they pinkish reddish brownish? do they look sorta like chickenpox except not bright red? I have these too...and i went to the doc today and found out it is a rare skin condition that goes away in about 4 weeks call Pityraisis Rosea. I made a topic on this so you can view my questions or not. There's no cure for it, so you'll be stuck with it for at least 4 weeks. If you don't have that then..your so lucky! lol...well all i can do is say go to WebMD or google and search heat rash and Pityraisis Rosea just to be sure. WebMD can give you an answer and a picture to make sure as well. i hope i helped you!! =D
ciao for now,
Take a cool bath with a a cup of baking soda added . You can do this a few times a day safely .
Wear loose comfortable clothing and try to get out of the heat. If your body is damp with sweat change your clothes

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