
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have a GINORMOUS zit on my nose and it really hurts but wont go away or pop! help?

it is right on the side where the little crease is. it hurts and is red. it wont pop and doesnt have any head. it is HUGE!! could it b a spider or mosquito bite? i have tried hot water, toothpaste, ice, a face mask, acne wash, acne spot treatment, acne night treatment, aloe vera, and salt!! i would try vinegar and lemon juice but i dont have that stuff! i might try peroxide l8r but i have the face mask on right now. plz give me a home remedie or something fast that doesnt involve going 2 the doctor, dermatologist, or store! pleeeeeeaaaaase! or just tell me a REALLY good product or site about zits or pimples.
Well I feel for you. You've tried everything I was going to suggest. Good Luck. :)
Try honey. Put a dab of honey on it and then put a bandage on. Leave it on for a few hours (or sleep wih it on), and in teh morning wash off the honey.
Well even though you say you've used acne wash and acne spot treatments, I would try Clean %26 Clean Advantage. It's a 3 step kit thing that made my face clear up completely. I love it so much.
Cold compress to reduce the swelling. Use an ice-pack or some ice cubes. Also, benzoyl peroxide will work very well.
try to pop it again until it hurts, then put alcohol on it, until it turns hard, then peel it off or something.
well i would leave the acne cream on over night.. then let it just take its course during the day after you wash your face in the morning.try as hard as you can to not touch it.
Well,I guess maybe just go to the doctor.If it doesent pop and its ben there for over 2 weeks,Just go to the doctor.I know you might be embarressed,But you have too.Its the only way you will know that its not infected or Not just a zit.I hope you dont just live like that because i know its embarressing but just go to the doctor please,if you dont it might just leave to be a scar or be enfected and then it WILL turn into a scar.I hope you do go,They help you and they dont care wat you look like they want you to be happy! i hope you will have the guts to go and take off that mask.!! Kiss kiss
how long has it been there? if it is just a zit thats real bad I agree with the honey treatment another user mentioned.since you seemed to have tried everything else but if you had this for more then a week I would see a doctor, it is possible it isn't a zit at all..
Go to a dermatologist

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