Answer: A zit.Like this one:
if its a mole get it checked
if its a red bump idk mayb a bug bite
get it checked just to be sure
Wart, or groath
Could be a clogged sweat duct. Try switching deoderants. I get them from mitchum and get rid of them when I switch to degree.
if you shave you could have cut your skin
it can be a inflammation. have you changed deordorants? I use to have that and had to go off deodorants for awhile and then try a different one. but to be sure see your md.
It could be a cyst or it could be swollen lymph nodes (sign of infection). Any kind of lump should always be checked out by a doctor.
Could be an ingrown hair, but honestly, I wouldn't be asking yahoo...I'd be seeing a doctor! That's your best bet.
probably a clogged sweat gland--try icthymol salve (aka 'black salve') to pull the puss out. Probably wouldn't hurt to see a doctor and get an antibiotic to help the healing process
It could simply be an infected hair folicle or sweat gland which can get quite large and painful. Use an antibacterial soap like Dial to shower with and clean several times a day with the current heat outside. If this does not resolve in a weekor so, then you need to see your Dr. to test for other things.
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