
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I have a pimple still on my cheek from my period?

How should I get rid of it?It's medium-sized and firm with no puss cap.It doesn't itch or anything though.I get one at every period but this one is taking awhile to leave.
First of all, Do Not Squeeze it. Doing so will irritate it and possible cause infection. What you could try is what I used to do. Apply hot compresses to speed up the rate at which is comes to a head and pops itself. Also use a good astringent cleanser and wash your face with a gentle soap. Stay away from greasy foods and eat a well balance diet. Wash your face at least twice daily to keep the pores of your skin free of dirt and don't wear heavy makeup. It will clog your pores. If a warm compress doesn't work try using a heating pad wrapped in a protective cover. It will give a steady heat instead of cooling off right away.
Put honey on it and cover with a band aid, this will help with the forming of a "head" DO NOT SQUEEZE OR PICK! you will get scars. Just keep washing and covering. wear it to bed and when you are at home.
Read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies on this site
I would use seom sea breeze on it, sooner or later it will come to a head. then cont. to use the breeze it will clear it up fast. Good Luck.
If you have to look great for something and its a red irritated bump it sounds funny but put hemeroid cream on it. Its made to reduce swelling.
Try putting alittle toothpaste on it when you go to bed. It will help dry it up and bring down the swelling. Dont forget to wash your face as often as possible.
contact dermatologist.
Oh don't you hate those? They're like beacons shining for
ships at sea, don't you think LOL? I get the hard ones every
once in awhile,and I always use just plain rubbing alcohol on
a cotton ball a few times a day, and at night. I have had them
go down overnight and by day three they are not hard anymore but do require a touch of cover up stick to hide them.
But the redness will fade if you keep applying the alcohol
til it's gone. It works for me, and is one of the cheapest
remedies there is. You have nothing to lose!
Get a really hot wash cloth and cover the pimple, keep getting it as hot as you can stand it and reapplying it, this will help bring it to a "puss cap", and then you can get rid of it.
Get a very sharp needle and sanitize it by using alcohol then prick the top layer of skin with the needle. This will help the pimple to drain faster. It's sort like a fluid filled cyst.If you drain the cyst it won't be as large and will heal faster.

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