My headache has been goin on 3 days straight it wont stop.Its difficult to consentrat.Yes I do wear glasses but i only take them off when i sleep.
It still sounds eye related, especially the part about not being able to focus. You could need a new glasses prescription, or you could have some other eye related problem. Yes there are tumors that can form on the optic nerve, but I would not get upset about it yet. There are way too many others things it could be. It could even be sinus related. I would start by calling my optometrist ASAP. Hope you feel better.
from my experience a headache like that means you a have some serious stress going on. If you feel you should go to the doctor then go to the doctor, better safe than sorry.
Sounds like a migrane. However, a headache that hurts that bad and is that persistant really does need to be checked out by your doctor. So please get in to see him/her.In the meantime, eat light snacks throughout the day... place a cool (but not too cold) cloth on your forehead and DONT overdo Tylenol, Advil or any of those drugs. What you will end up with is a rebound headache if you take it too often.Do get in to see your doctor.
you might be having migraines. unfortunately, they're very common and can give pain so severe it causes vomiting, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity. get checked for migrain. there are meds that can control them pretty well. if it's not migraine, by all means, get checked for a tumor. i don't mean to be a doom monger, but the possibility does exist.
Sounds like a migraine to me. One of the things I have found to help my migraines is to take two ice packs , apply one to your forehead and one to the base of your skull where your head joins your neck. Be sure and use a dish towel or something between the ice pack and your skin. Leave the ice packs on a while (maybe 15 minutes) and then leave it off a while. That usually helps because it equalizes the blood flow. Migraines can be triggered by foods. My triggers are caffeine, MSG, chocolate and soy. Some people also have triggers to red wine and cheeses.
You really should see a doctor. I hope you find some relief.
Hi:I have migraine headaches frequently. What you are describing is kind of a migraine. It in the same familyand they are "cluster migraines'Cluster migraines start out as a migraine (single form) ans as your migrain is getting close because sh doesnt feel well
and then shortly there is another migrain and another.If is difficult to suggest to you some possible solutions about yours. I became pain free from a 6 day cluster migrine.Please get it evalued and heal from there. I hope your headache goes away soon.
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