I have got a leaking right breast the fluid comming out is clear and sticky and no smell my boob feels very warm to the touch on its right side and is very tender/painfull. left one absolutly normal. I went to the doctors two weeks ago to have it checked had some blood tests done hormone etc came back normal. The doctor gave me penicilline antibiotics and breast is still same as it was then. Should I just wait for it to stop or go back to my g.p about it. I don't bother my doctor with my problems as there are people out there allot more ill than me.
Don't worry about bothering the doctor, it's his/her job to make sure you are okay. Yes, there are no doubt some people more ill than you, but they most likely started out with "simple" problems they ignored... so don't be like some of them and become more ill before getting this looked at again. And someone brought up embarassment, but what do you have to be embarassed about? Nothing. Doctors see all kinds of illnesses and a million naked bodies in their lifetime, it's the nature of their WORK. They don't feel embarassed; they have become doctors because they want to solve the mysteries of our illnesses. And if you do have an infection that isn't responding to treatment, you need to get that taken care of before it becomes worse - you rish the infection spreading, perhaps becoming septicemia, or of even losing your breast. This is not something to play a waiting game with - if it hasn't cleared up by now, get to the doctor! You will be relieved when you find out they can take care of it. I will be hoping for the best for you!thenextadventure.blogspot.com - my brother's story of his fight with terminal cancer (no www)
You should go see a doctor.
I think I would check back with the doctor. You may need stronger antibiotics. It does sound like infection.
Please don't hesitate to go back to your doctor - it sounds as if you might need some more treatment or at least for him/her to have a look at it. It certainly doesn't sound like cancer, more likely a bit of infection. Get well soon, do get this checked out tho - This is what doctors are there for!
I would suggest going to see your doctor. There are a few different things that could describe your symptoms. Please, go see your physician.
definately do not contact your g.p, its much too embarrassing for you, wen it happend to my girlfriend a herbalist just told her 2 drink plenty of cranberry juice and eat nothing but raisens for 2 weeks, within a week the leak was stemmed.glad 2 help
peace out monamee xx
Don't worry about bothering the doctor- its his job! Please go back to the doctor. Breast leakage is never good. If your breast is very warm to the touch, that would indicate that theres an inflammatory reaction going on in there somewhere, and you probably have a severe infection. Hope everything turns out well.
Sarah, you did not indicate your age, or family history, which will be very important in your life eventually, but for now, you should have a clinical breast exam (Planned Parenthood has qualified professionals to perform one), then at least a mammogram, and perhaps a sonogram to fully diagnose what is going on. If you have a family history of breastcancer (first degree relative), and now thyroid and some form of male cancers (prostate) are being considered in first degree relatives, so you must seek out an opinion as soon as possible. You might wish to contact some experts on the Internet or contact National Cancer Institute if you are reticent to return to your doctor, and request a referral to someone in your area. If you select a breast surgeon, select someone who has performed the most breast procedures--you have a right to ask that question. You might try calling your local hospitals, and ask for the oncology unit, and talk to an oncology RN, and request the names of several breast surgeons, then call each one. Most of the time, they are more than willing to meet with you for a conference to see if that is the doctor you feel the most compatible; do not lean into the theory that excellent doctors have bad bed-side manners. You deserve respect, and care. Whatever you do, know that you have support, and that many organizations will walk with you through this process...its normal to be worried, distracted, and not feel confident any where you turn; however, your next step must only be to seek out your greatest potential for health; you must seek out help now.
you need to have the dr. culture the drainage from your breast to see what it is showing. mine did that and at one point there was a bloody discarge fron the niple, it turned out to be a beneighed tumor in the milk duct. the culture did show that i was lactating. it has somewhat to do with the hormone level also.
see another doctor...it is always goodto have second opinions on health issues...and pls do it ASAP.
Goodluck dear!
get your g.p to test your pro lactin levels i also had leaky breast plus many other symptoms i was found to have elevated levels of pro-lactinif you need any more advice contact me on peers_emmalouise@yahoo.co.uk
I have had exactly the same problem for about 3 years now and have been given antibiotics etc to help but they haven't worked for me. If it's the same thing then it is an infection that has been caused by a blocked duct, usually excess fluid leaks from your nipples unnoticed but sometimes can become infected. Don't leave it as long as I did as it can get worse and cause blisters which burst - yuk!! It's nothing to be embarrassed about, keep on at ur gp until it gets sorted, mine has now eventually gone away but it is very painful. Good luck.
hi i have same problem and seen specialist who told me as long as it wasnt blood it was fine but if you are still worried go back to your dr .
Yes you need to go back to the doctor. He/she can do a pap test (put a bit of the discharge on a glass slide, fix it and send to the lab) to check for cancer cells. You do not give your age but if you are more than 35 you need a mammogram also. You need a diagnostic mammogram which is different from a regular one in that they look at the films while you are still there.
You also need to quit checking it frequently because every time you do so you stimulate the breast to make more. This includes any partner stimulation with hand or mouth. (Not trying to be rude)
You should go to the doctor and don't worry about bothering him/her. That's what they are getting paid for. Your health is much more important than that. You don't know what it is. It could be anything. Hopefully when you do go it will not be anything serious, but please get it checked out for your own piece of mind.
Did the doc collect a specimen of the drainage, and send it to a lab for evaluation? If you have continued concern, get in your search engine, and see what you can find. I would follow this situation up persistently.
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