My mom says it's a sty or something like that but I don't know what to do about it. I tried popping it, but it hurts REALLY bad lol. It looks kinda like a pimple except its white and it's NOT a wart. I am positive of that. What can I do about it? Home-rememdies or something like that? Is it something serious I should have the doctor look into?
Thanks, answers much appreciated
well,i actually have one of those right now and it hurts like crazy! i went to the doctor and he told me it was a sty too! what he told me was to warm up a towel or something, and put it on your eye for 10-20min. then 2 hours later do it again!By 2 days of doing that it will pop and stop swelling and go back to normal! HOPE THIS WORKS!
I would go to a doctor
its probably mollescum. it naturally goes away or you can freeze it
It's probably a sty. You cannot do anything about it except go to the doctor and he can give you some eye drops or something. My friend used to get those all the time. Your best bet, aside from going to the doctor, is just to wait for it to go away. DO NOT squeeze it. It is not a pimple so it will not pop.
It could be an infected ingrown hair or a skin tag(usually skin tags aren't painful though). But anything near the eye should get checked out asap just in case.
Probably just a zit. Do the imposible and leave it alone. If it does not go away in 10 days have your mom ask the DOC to see you. LEAVE IT ALONE!
No matter how tempting it is, do not try popping it. Try to wait for a couple of days and see what happens. If it seems to be getting worse (without you trying to pop it) then you should see a doctor. good luck!
If it is a sty keep your hands off and use a very clean hot wash cloth, repeat (heat in micro for double warmth)
10 minutes on 10 off as much as you can - also there is a sty cream at the drug store in the eye section apply it at night with clean hands.
If it's above your eye I'd say it's more of a large pimple or cyst.
If its not better by Tuesday. Have your mom call the MD
You can apply the warm wash cloth to that too.
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