
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I have a plantar wart that appears to have more than one black dot on it?

It looks like it has 7 or 8 little black dots inside instead of one big one. I have been doing than freezing thing where you hold the burning thing on your wart and its not working. How do I make it go away?
I had mine done in the doctor's office with liquid nitrogen. The stuff you are using at home might not be strong enough to take care of yours. Most plantar warts have several of the black dots, so don't worry about that. :-)
Try visiting the doctor. That's what I did. They tried to freeze it twice and it didn't work so they numbed me up and just cut it off. I didn't feel any pain at all afterwards. Just tell your doc that the freezing didn't work, he'll know what to do.
if it is a plantar wart, it is on your foot, right??? you cannot do anything for it yourself. You must go to a doctor and have it surgically removed... it's nothing. and a plantar wart hurts. So, go to a doctor and let them remove the entire thing for a plantar wart has a long root. and you cannot leave it there. it is a place just waiting for cancer. I have had them removed and it is a piece of cake. The black dot can be just a scab or a hole which makes me think it is NOT a plantar's wart... please see a professional...
Have you tried this stuff called PRID? ( I hope I spelled that right) It is sold over the counter and it "draws" the stuff out. I had a big problem with plantar warts and was seeing a doctor who just kept me coming back . His assistant would use some kind of little dremel tool to grind away at the things. This was very painful and did not help a thing. Finally I went to this old foot doctor in another town. He took one of those long q-tip things and put some of that on it. It went away! I saw this doctor ONE time!!
The black dots are the plantar wart's blood supply. The wart is claiming your foot as home. You will want to have a doctor work on it. Plantar warts are very stubborn and usually very difficult to treat at home on your own. Since you are now developing more black dots your wart is taking hold and claiming a blood supply. I think it will take medical help to get your feet wart fee. Good Luck!
These wort's are hard to battle but you must keep trying. Go to a dermatologist, they may know something your practitioner doesn't.

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