I am breastfeeding my baby is almost a month old, i have a urinary tract infection i went to the docters and they gave me amoxicillin for it and i want to know the possible side effects it could have on my baby.
Answer: the baby could get thrush, which is a yeast infection in the mouth, that's about it!Let me clarify. when you take amoxicillin, you are able to get a yeast infection, amoxicillin does that to many women. When you are breastfeeding, it is possible for you to get a yeast infection in your breasts. If you have a yeast infection in your breasts and then feed your baby, it is possible to transfer your infection to the baby, in it's mouth. A yeast infection in the mouth is called candidiasis, or thrush. And no you don't have to be on an anti-biotic like amoxicillin for months or years (as one responder stated) to develop a yeast infection. And by the way, who in the heck would prescribe amoxicillin for that long?! It would cause you to be immune to antibiotics! hello! wow, she should rethink her major! When I was pregnant they gave me amoxicillin for a uti and I got a yeast infection from it, it happens. If your child were older, then yes you would feed him/her yogurt with live active cultures. Apparently some responders didn't read how old your baby is!! One still thinks you are pregnant! You cannot feed a one month old yogurt!! On the other hand, you should consider eating yogurt though because it will decrease your chance of getting a yeast infection altogether, therefore preventing it from ever being an issue for your baby. The actual drug amoxicillin will not harm your baby whatsoever. The yeast is a suprainfection or basically a side effect of the drug. So, eat yogurt and watch for an infection in your breasts, they will be sore, red and inflammed. Thrush looks like white patches in the mouth around the gums and cheeks. Hope this helps!
None, he wouldt of gave it to you if it would harm the baby. The baby is not really getting that much of it out of your breast milk. At least he wont be sick!
Since your doctor knows you are pregnant, he/she wouldn't prescribe anything harmful to you. Most likely a highly diluted form of the antibiotic will pass to the baby through the milk and not pose a threat to them. Thrush in babies/people can be acquired if they were on an antibiotic for a long period of time for a serious infection(months... years..) I had a family member acquire a bacterial infection from a hospital, and after being on a broad spectrum antibiotic for a 6 months and they acquired thrush (They are on antibiotics for life due to the severity of the infection). However, some people are more sensitive to antibiotics and they can develop thrush or a vaginal yeast infection within a few days of being on antibiotics.To prevent thrush, you could feed your baby yogurt if they were a few months older. You yourself can eat yogurt to prevent thrush. Make sure you get a yogert with live active cultures, because they are helpful bacteria.CANDIDA (YEAST OR THRUSH) INFECTION ON NIPPLES
Candida (also called yeast, monilla or thrush) is a fungus that thrives in warm, dark, moist environments, such as the mucus membranes of the mouth and vagina, the diaper area, skin folds, bra pads, and on persistently wet nipples. Suspect candida as the cause of your sore nipples if: Your nipples are extremely sore, burning, itching, red, or blistery.
You experience shooting pains in your breasts during or just after feeding (especially during your milk ejection reflex).
The usual remedies for sore nipples aren't working.
Baby has oral thrush (white, cottage-cheese-like patches on the tongue and sides of the mouth) and/or a yeasty diaper rash.
Your nipples suddenly become sore after a period of pain-free breastfeeding.
You are taking, or have just finished taking, a course of antibiotics. Yeast infections are common following antibiotic treatment.
Here are some simple suggestions that may help prevent a yeast infection on your nipples, or cure a mild case of yeast infection: Yeast organisms hate sunlight, so give your bra and breasts a sun bath. Expose your nipples to sunlight for several minutes several times a day. After washing them, dry your bras in the sunlight.
Air-dry your nipples after each feeding
Avoid plastic-lined breast pads that irritate skin and trap leaked milk.
Change nursing pads after each feeding.
Wear 100 percent cotton bras and wash them daily in very hot water.
Thoroughly wash pump parts that come in contact with your breasts in a bleach solution and boil them in water for five minutes daily.
If the simple home remedies listed above don't bring relief, consult your healthcare provider about the following treatments: Apply an antifungal cream (mycostatin, clotrimazole, myconazole) to your nipples as suggested or prescribed by your doctor. If you have a candida infection in your nipples, baby should be treated for thrush even if you can't see any white patches in the mouth. Your healthcare provider will prescribe an oral antifungal suspension that should be painted on baby's tongue, roof, and sides of the mouth three or four times a day for a couple of weeks. If baby has a candida diaper rash, treat it with an over-the-counter antifungal cream. Eat lots of yogurt (the kind with live active cultures) and take oral acidophilus. This encourages good bacteria to live in your gut and discourages the growth of yeast.If the candida is resistant to the standard treatments described above, in consultation with your healthcare provider, try a 0.25 - 0.5 percent solution of gentian violet applied to your nipples twice a day for three days. Gentian violet is effective, but messy. Also, apply a small amount once a day to baby's mouth, but be aware that overuse of gentian violet may irritate the sensitive oral mucus membranes of baby's mouth. Apply Vaseline to baby's lips before using the gentian violet to avoid purple stains. Warning 鈥?gentian violet has been used for many years to treat thrush. A recent study done in Australia has linked gentian violet to cancer of the mouth. However, many other professionals around the world believe that it is safe, and continue to recommend it. For this reason, we suggest you use this remedy sparingly, and for as little time as possible. If your baby has thrush but your nipples are not yet sore, apply the prescribed medicine to baby's mouth just before feeding so that your nipples get the preventive benefit of the medication as well. If your healthcare provider advises you to wash the creams off your nipples prior to breastfeeding, do so gently with warm water. While nursing on a candida-infected nipple can be exquisitely painful, it is necessary to keep the affected breast empty to prevent mastitis, or even a candida infection deeper into the breast tissue. Pay particular attention to proper latch-on and easing your baby off your nipples at the end of the feeding, since infected nipples are more sensitive and prone to injury from improper sucking patterns.
Yeast infections can be very persistent. Use the full course of medication suggested by your doctor, and continue using the home remedies for several weeks so that the infection will not reoccur. http://www.askdrsears.com/html/2/t028100...Causes, incidence, and risk factors:Thrush is caused by a fungus called Candida albicans. This organism lives in your mouth and is usually kept in check by healthy organisms that also live there. However, when your resistance to infection is low, the fungus can grow, leading to lesions in your mouth and on your tongue.The following can lessen your resistance to infection and increase your chances of getting thrush:Taking antibiotics or steroid medications
Having HIV infection or AIDS
Receiving chemotherapy for cancer or drugs to suppress your immune system following an organ transplant
Being very old or very young
Being in poor health
Having diabetes
Thrush is commonly seen in infants. It is not considered abnormal in infants unless it lasts longer than a couple of weeks.Candida albicans can also cause yeast infections in the vagina.
Prevention If you have frequent outbreaks of thrush, your doctor may recommend taking antifungal medication on a regular basis to avoid recurrent infections.If an infant with thrush is breast-feeding, talk to your doctor about ways to prevent future infections, such as an antifungal medication. Sterilize or discard any pacifiers. For bottle-fed babies with thrush, discard the nipples and buy new ones as the baby's mouth begins to clear.
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/...Screening and diagnosis
Complementary and alternative medicine
Prevention:The following measures may help reduce your risk of developing Candida infections:Try using yogurt or acidophilus capsules when you take antibiotics.
Treat any vaginal yeast infections that develop during pregnancy as soon as possible.
If you smoke, ask your doctor about the best ways to quit.
See your dentist regularly 鈥?at least every six to 12 months 鈥?especially if you have diabetes or wear dentures. Brush and floss your teeth as often as your dentist recommends.
Try limiting the amount of sugar and yeast-containing foods you eat, including bread, beer and wine. These may encourage the growth of Candida. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/oral-th...
Shouldn't affect baby at all. Amoxicillin is generally not passed through the milk to the baby, so baby won't get any. Even if baby gets some of it, it won't be enough to get thrush.