There's little lumps on the back of my throat, kinda yellowy-white-ish and it feels like there's something stuck in my throat right at the top... Does anyone know what that is? Please help!
From your brief description, it looks as if you have AETP. don't be scared, it is short for acute exhudative tonsilo-pharyngitis. it is a form of acute tonsilitis, but some pus has developed, thus the yellow-whitish (exhudates) things that you see. the tonsils are lymph nodes, they serve to fight infection around the head/neck area.we have lymph nodes all around our bodies, some in the groin and the armpits. AETP is most commonly caused by bacteria called strptococcus, hence the term strep-throat. this condition is very uncomfortable, and in severe cases, the patient has a hard time swallowing soft food or even liquids. as some of our friends have stated, it is best for you to see a doctor, you may need a pain reliever and some antibiotics to hasten your recovery and prevent further progression. in the meantime, avoid sweets and cold beverages-these will aggravate your condition. hope this helps.
You should probably go see a doctor. Soon.Maybe you have some kind of infection, especially since your getting lumps in the back of your throat... and you will probably need medicine to get better.
Sounds like strep throat. See your doctor for a culture and possibly some antibiotics. Don't fool around with it, it can cause a septic reaction that CAN be fatal if not treated.
DITTO the second answer.
I agree that it sounds like strep throat. See your doctor asap.
It's quite possible that u have some kind of an infection. Go to the doctor as soon as possible. You don't want that to spread to other ppl or for it to get worse. They'll check it out and give u some antibiotics most likely.
yea sounds like strep throat. you need to go see a doctor.
Sounds like a bacterial tonsil infection (strep throat, tonsilitis etc) Antibiotics are needed to clear the infection so a trip to the doc is needed...The tonsils are a disgusting peice of tissue when you actually read about what they do, BUT that said they are good to have.. Try some chloraseptic (sp) we got it in the states last time we were there, tastes like bleeeehh but does a good job of numbing the throat. or any other OTC throat lozenge that has anastetic qualities. Try to stick to cold things like custard %26 icecream iceblocks, cold drinks etc to give some temp releif.Good luck !!!
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