
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have a red, itchy rash under the folds of belly fat from loosing a large amount of weight.?

The skin fold is large and I am unable to find a way to keep it from perspiring. The rash is now very red and itchy. What can I do?
Could be a yeast infection (Candida) -- they are very common in that area. You could try over the counter fungal creams like lotrimin, but if that doesn't work, go to your primary care doc and get something specific to what your doctor thinks it is (likely a Nystatin cream or some such). It is important to try to keep the area clean and dry. You can't keep it from perspiring, but maybe using cotton underpants and just really trying to keep it dry might help. I had the same problem after a C-section with my son, and it drove me MAD. The nystatin helped. Good luck! -J
Get some medicated powder ~ use it ~ This should help ~ Congratulations on your large weight loss !You could also try some oatmeal soap ~ has a tendency to dry it out ~ Had success with this ~
keep it clean and dry, use some gold bond medicated cream for a day or two and after it clears up, apply powder after showering to keep it from coming back.
goldbond medicated powder. wtg on losing weight!
Use desitin or balmex on those areas while they're irritated. To avoid sweating in those areas, use antiperspirant in the folds and then balmex at night. I use it on all my patients who have large skin folds.
It's probably a heat rash. Put Calamine or Caladryl lotion on it to get rid of it, then use baby powder with cornstarch every day to keep it clear.

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