Its not a pimple, or whitehead or anything like that. Ive tried pinching it, poking it but to no avail.
probably just a zit.
Time will tell
It might be an under the skin pimple.I've gotten them before, They don't really poke out like other zits, so you can't really see them too well, but they are really annoying. Leave it alone and it will go away
it IS a zit. Some people get small bumps under their skin, it is an especially annoying zit!! If you try to pop will get worse and be very painful!
As we get older, we develop fatty deposit spots all over our bodies...some can block or place pressure on nerves and can range in size, from really small to over 3in+ in diameter. I have known a couple of people who have had these types of things on their forehead. This could be what it is. But, this is not to verify that that is what it is. You really need to see your general practitioner. Set up an appoint for a physical, in the mean time.
It could be anything such as a cyst. I would recommend seeing your physician to determine if a trip to the dermatologist might be in order. Diagnosing any type of medical condition without an examination is ethically wrong and potentially dangerous, and I would be wary of any advice given by someone who would be willing to do so. There is no substitute for a trained professional in these type of matters.
I suggest seeing your family doctor who may refer you to a dermatologist
I agree with "What, what, what"'s answer - I just asked my doc about a funny bump on my head that has developed during pregnancy. He said that my GP or a dermatologist can take care of it, but not until I am done being pregnant. My hubby calls it my horn.
Depends on the bump. If it's firm and unmoving, it could be a bone spur - if you've had a serious blow there recently, the bone may be expanding/growing outwards instead of following the normal course of growth. Considering how you've written the question, this is unlikely.If it's firm but mobile, it might be a cyst of a sweat gland...a sebaceous cyst. It's painless and not dangerous unless it become infected, then it'll feel hot to the touch. If it's soft and mobile, it's most likely a lipoma. My father has one. It's basically a grouping of fatty cells that have somehow organized themselves at that location.None of there are particularly dangerous, but if you want, you can go to your GP and have it looked at. S/he will decide whether this is something that should be dealt with. The lipoma is drained and occasionally returns, the cyst is treatable with meds and the bone spur (the least likely) is operable and is a 1-day job.Good luck.
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