
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have a short leg?

My right leg is slightly shorter than my left (1/2 inch to 1/4 inch approx differernce) I have always walked with my right leg, i don't know the word, oppoisiete of pideion toed. Occasionaly i will have a limp in that leg and now the limp seems to be coming more. I have taken to walking with my heel up so i don't limp. My mother says that not everybody has limbs that are exactly the same and to stop whining.
Is this a serious medical condtion or am i just complaining about something normal?
If this is a medical problem could it progress over time and i end up not being able to walk. I am sixteen years old and my limp is very noticebale now.
ok well first thing you should know is the body is completely symetrical (can't spell) one side is bound to be longer or shorter than the other, so what you have would be normal just it's a little bit to much shorter, ok well as for your not being able to walk thing i can assure you that you will walk! lol but you should go get it checked out by a docter as it is causing you discomfort and your worried about it, also when you have shoes one, try stuffing a some tisue underneath you heal in order to keep your leg almost as high as the other, but GO TO YOUR DOCTER TODAY and get it sorted out, if you don't it could leaad to diformety, like people shouldn't lean one one leg all the time as it causes the spine to curve and eventually if it is kept up the spine will stick that way and will be crooked, its just how the body works, so get it sortedand please for me put a piece of tissue in you shoe under your heal at leach 2 and a half inches of it, and make sure you squash it down so that it's hard and then add more to it until it reaches 2.5 inches, this WILL balance you out trust me, and when you don't have shoe's one, you can either where one shoe, or put tissue in your sock, you can even get special jelly things for it but please go to your docter your still young kiddo i don't want anything bad to happen to you, just tell him and show him, if he says you we can't do anything about it then ask him how you can relieve it, there's always a answer to everything sweetygoodluck and remember USE TISSUE lol and DOCTERShave fun hope your okay honey WOO! *huggles*
oh also they do special shoe's for that too, so look into that okay honey GOOD LUCK! WOOP!
Perhaps wear a shoe with a thing inside to help make the leg level out more...while taking out the padded thing on leg that is longer.
most people do have a limb that is longer or shorter than the other, but it doesn't usually cause them problems. i have one arm that is longer than the other. i would talk to your doctor about it. it's not good on your body to not walk naturally for long periods of time. you could throw off your hips and back eventually. i do believe that they make special inserts that you can put in your shoes that will make your legs the same.
sweetie they make shoes for exactly your situation. The have a slightly deeper part (more material) that is barely noticable (only notice it if looking for it). This is true for a lot of people. some will not admit to having this problem but a lot do. It is all about self consiousness. if you do not mind the limp it will not hurt you but if you do mind fix it with the special shoe or with material you can buy to stick in the shoes you already have!
I would get into a doc ASAP!
I had a friend who had this poblem, in high school it became more noticeable. Her's was caused from having a serious illness like polo if I am recalling correctly...
You can have special made shoes or even an insole that will help a lot and even things out so you are not ruining your posture and causing more extensive irreversable damage!
Your Mother needs to be more concerned about this!
This can become more debilitating over time.
You may have something more serious going on as far as this occuring. It could be something simple as scoliosis or more adverse!
Convince her to have it checked.
Your situation depends on it!
I wish you the best of luck.
Conditions like this can always lead to future problems. Your mother is wrong about stopping whining . 99% of people have no problem walking. The fact is that your problem is totally correctable with today's medicine. Get this fixed before you are 18. You should have insurance and if you don't I'm sure that there's help available. In California, all kids have health insurance. There are children's hospitals and all kinds of care available in other states.
I hope that your mom will get active with getting you fixed up.Talk with your school nurse. It just makes me sick that you aren't under medical care for your condition with corrective action planned.
I will be praying for you.

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