it is driving me crazy and i dont know why or howto stop it
Buy some lidocaine spray. I used one called Cool Blue Aloe Mist by Fruit of the Earth when I got a sunburn once and it really helped.
DO NOT SCRATCH IT!Try some aloe vera, if you've got it, and if it's still really warm put a cool rag on it or take a cool shower to cool off. If it hurts, take pain relievers. Those should help immediately. If it's really bad, you might need to go to a doctor to have it checked out.
Try some baby powder to sooth the skin, also put some on your sheets, rub it into the sheets, than shake. That should help you sleep, so you don't feel like your sleeping on sand paper
lots of lotion, Alvera gel and this may sound crazy but my kids just had bad sunburns and i gave them a luke warm bath with a cup of vinegar in it, it takes the pain away and draws out the heat and it really works if you can withstand the smell!
Try mixing 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water in a spray bottle. Spray as often as you need.
If it is still a "fresh" sunburn, this will help: pour some vinegar into a bowl, add some water until the smell is dilluted enough for you to be able to put it on your body without killing flies for 3 miles). Then, soak a washcloth in the mixture, apply the washcloth to the burned area for 15-20 seconds. Pull of, wring out, repeat. It pulls the heat out and prevents the skin from continuing to burn. It works like a charm. If your sunburn is past the hurt stage and in the peel/itch stage. . . there's not much to be done. Drink tons of water and apply aloe gel and/or vitamin E to your skin.
If it is sunburn, aloe vera really should clear it up.
It might not be sunburn though, did you consider that it might be an allergic reaction or poison ivy, or perhaps that combined with sunburn?
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